Work With Us

We celebrate Providence by highlighting the most exciting need-to-know news and events happening locally, creating a safe and engaging environment to highlight your brand.

Audience Profile

  • 1,700+ subscribers & growing ~150 daily

  • 98% are above the age of 35

  • 70% are female, 30% are male.

  • 100% live in Providence or surrounding towns.

Our Products

Newsletter Promo

  • With up to 120 words, 2 links, and an image, our team will draft custom copy designed to drive traffic to your website.

  • $60

Email Header

  • The custom email header is the first thing our readers see when they open up their newsletter, designed by our team or by you.

  • $35

Newsletter Text Ad

  • All we need is some basic information and our team will craft up a 50-word blurb meant to drive traffic and build awareness.

  • $25

Email Banner Ad

  • Brand awareness at its best, seamlessly integrated into the conversation flow.

  • $25

Discounts are available for ad bundles and long-term deals.